I. Administrators
Physics Department Chair
Bruce Schumm, 459-3034, NSII 329 baschumm@ucsc.edu
Physics Graduate Chair
Stefano Profumo, 459-3039, ISB 325, profumo@ucsc.edu
Physics Admissions Chair
David Williams, NS II 319, 459-3032, daw@ucsc.edu
Physics Combined BS/MS Coordinator
Jairo Velasco Jr., ISB 249, 459-1806, jvelasc5@ucsc.edu
Physics Department Manager
Cathy Murphy, ISB 209, 459-4121, cmurphym@ucsc.edu
The Physics Department manager oversees the work of the department and deals with the "big issues" such as accounting, personnel/payroll, office space, and facilities issues.
Physics Graduate Program Coordinator
Ben Miller, ISB 207, 459-4122, physgradadvising@ucsc.edu
The Graduate Coordinator is the primary contact in the department for graduate students in resolving issues. If he doesn’t know the answer to your question, he can refer you to someone who can help you.
SCIPP Director (Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics)
Jason Nielsen, 459-3457, NSII 315 jnielsen@ucsc.edu
Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics Staff
SCIPP Office: NS II 337
Margaret Wuerth, 459-2635, NSII 335, mwuerth@ucsc.edu
Vicki Johnson, NS II 337, 459-4842, vjohnson@ucsc.edu
Further information: http://scipp.ucsc.edu/
Lower Division Instructional Lab Manager
Sophia Sholtz, ssholtz@ucsc.edu
Upper Division Instructional Lab Manager
George Brown, 459-2327 gsbrown@ucsc.edu