Program Learning Outcomes

Physics Ph.D. Program Learning Outcomes


Physics Ph.D. graduates will demonstrate:


PLO1.: Mastery of the fundamental knowledge in physics; 

PLO2.: Ability to use analytical and/or computational methods to solve physics problems; 

PLO3.: Ability to apply physical, mathematical, and statistical methods to a real-­‐world problem in an application area;  

PLO4.: Ability to communicate concepts and results to both other experts in the field and to people outside the field;  

PLO5.: Ability to conduct independent research. 


Curriculum Matrix          
  PhD Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PhD Requirements PLO 1 PLO 2 PLO 3 PLO 4 PLO 5
Phys 210 (Fall 1st year) X X      
Phys 212 (Fall 1st year) X X      
Phys 205 (Winter, 1st year) X X      
Phys 214 (Winter, 1st year) X X      
Phys 215 (Winter, 1st year) X X      
Phys 216 (Spring, 1st year) X X      
Phys 219 (Spring, 1st year) X X      
Advanced Coursework (2nd year) X X X X  
Written Qualifying Examination A A   A  
Advancement to Candidacy (Oral Qualifying Examination) A   A A A
Dissertation Research X X X X X
Dissertation Defense A A A A A
X=PLO is being introduced or developed
A= Students demonstrate PLO, and assessment evidence is collected