Faculty Directory

Stefano Profumo
  • Title
    • Professor
    • Deputy Director for Theory, Santa Cruz institute for Particle Physics
    • Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, Physical and Biological Sciences Division
  • Division Physical & Biological Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Physics Department
  • Affiliations Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP)
  • Phone
    831-459-3039, 850-980-7974
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Interdisciplinary Sciences Building, 328 ISB
    • 328 Interdisciplinary Sci Bldg.
  • Mail Stop Physics Department
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise Physics, Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology

Research Interests

1. Astro-particle Physics
- Particle Dark Matter Searches and Model Building
- High Energy Astrophysics

2. Theoretical High Energy Physics
- Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Models for the Generation of the Baryon Asymmetry in the Universe
- Phenomenology of Supersymmetric and Extra-Dimensional Models

Biography, Education and Training

Ph.D. studies in Theoretical High Energy Physics, SISSA-ISAS, Trieste (2001-2004)

Undergraduate studies in Theoretical Physics, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa and University of Pisa (1997-2001)