*Reserves have been set in PHYS 5A/L, 6A/L & 102 for new student enrollment, any remaining seats will be released when continuing student enrollment reopens.

Unless noted below, all courses will have an auto-enroll wait list during your Second-Pass Enrollment period.

All students enrolled, waitlisted, or seeking a seat in courses MUST attend the first class meeting.

PHYS 5A/L:  If the course fills, please wait list a PHYS 5L lab. Once you've secured a seat in 5L you can enroll in 5A.  

PHYS 5C/N:   If the course fills, please wait list a PHYS 5N lab.Once you've secured a seat in 5N you can enroll in 5C.

PHYS 6A/L: If the course fills, please wait list a PHYS 6L lab. Once you've secured a seat in 6L you can enroll in 6A.

PHYS 6B/M: If you are trying to enroll in both 6B & 6M and 6B is full you will have to wait list 6B first. Once you've secured a seat from the wait list in 6B you can wait list 6M.

PHYS 6C/N: If you are trying to enroll in both 6C & 6N and 6C is full you will have to wait list 6C first. Once you've secured a seat from the wait list in 6C you can wait list 6N.

For all upper-division courses, please contact the instructor. 

PHYS 6A to PHYS 5B Transition:  Students who earn an A in PHYS 6A may transition to the Physics 5 series and enroll in PHYS 5B; to enroll, contact your program advisor.  

Math 11A to Math 19B Transition: Students who are changing majors and who have received high grades in MATH 11A may petition to enroll in PHYS 5A, as long as they are taking MATH 19B concurrently. Students who have taken MATH 11B must pass MATH 19B before enrolling in PHYS 5B or 5C. Petitions are emailed to physicsadvising@ucec.edu

AMS 11A will not satisfy the prerequisites for any of the Physics courses.  Students who have taken AMS 11A will have to take MATH 11A or MATH 19A to qualify for those courses.

How to waitlist a required lab?                                                                                                               

1. Wait list the lab section only.  Do not attempt to enroll in, or wait list the lecture at this time; you cannot enroll in the lecture until you have successfully enrolled in the corequisite lab section.                 

Suggestion:  To increase your chances of becoming enrolled, wait-list multiple lab sections if available.  You can wait list up to 10 units.  As an example, if the lab you are wait-listing is 2-units, you can wait list up to 5 lab sections that fit with your schedule.  If space becomes available in any of the sections you have wait-listed, you will become enrolled.  NOTE:  Once you are enrolled, drop from the remaining wait lists for the lab.                                                                                                                                                               

2. Enroll in the lecture portion of the course after you are enrolled in the lab.  Upon becoming enrolled from the wait list in to an available lab, you will receive an email prompting you to enroll in the lecture.  You MUST enroll in the lecture or you will be dropped from the lab prior to the start of class.                     

Student Responsibility:  You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your enrollments. Be sure to verify your classes and grade options prior to the enrollment deadlines listed in the Academic and Administrative Calendar.                                                                                                                                             

For more information and help trouble-shooting your enrollment:                                               

Plan your enrollment in advance. The Schedule of Classes is available a week before enrollment starts, plan out your enrollment and put your courses in your shopping cart. [more]                                              

Be sure you have met the prerequisites. Review the prerequisites and major or class-level restrictions prior to enrolling. [more]                                                                                                                   

Check for time conflicts. If any of the courses you are attempting to enroll in conflict, you will NOT be enrolled. [more]                                                                                                                             

Prioritize your courses. Determine which course is the most important to your progress and enroll in that course first. [more]                                                                                                                              

Enroll during your enrollment appointment. You have the best chance of becoming enrolled at your appointment time. [more]                                                                                                                  

Attend your 1st class meeting or you may be dropped.  Most instructors will administratively drop students...[more]                                                                                                                                  

You are responsible for the accuracy of your enrollments.  Be sure to verify your enrollment and grade options by the deadlines.