Faculty Directory

David M Smith
  • Pronouns he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Division Physical & Biological Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Physics Department
    • Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP)
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Nat Sci 2 Main Building, 321 Nat Sci II
  • Mail Stop SCIPP
  • Mailing Address
    • 1156 High St. SCIPP mailstop
    • Santa Cruz CA 95064
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise Atmospheric Science, Astrophysics
  • Courses Physics 134, Physics 6A, Physics 5A, Physics 133, Physics 2, Physics 291F, Physics 182, Physics 5B

Research Interests

High-energy processes in astrophysical sources (particularly x-ray binaries), terrestrial lightning, Earth's radiation belts, and solar flares via observations of x-ray and gamma-ray emission. Design and construction of instruments to fly on spacecraft, aircraft and stratospheric balloons and observations with existing NASA satellites.